06-06-13 | Computer Technician | Oro Wang Chang, Inc. | Cagayan de Oro

Company: Oro Wang Chang, Inc.

Position: Computer Technician


•22 years old and above
•graduate of any computer related studies
•knowledgeable in computer settings and repair, hardware and software trouble shooting
•at least 3 years working experience (with certificate of employment from previous work )
•with driver’s license (motorcycle)

How to Apply:

For those interested, please send your resume at mymail.yourmail28@yahoo.com

2 Responses to 06-06-13 | Computer Technician | Oro Wang Chang, Inc. | Cagayan de Oro
  1. ronald
    June 10, 2013 | 1:04 pm

    im a computer technician nc2 passer. but i dont have driver license.

  2. Michael
    June 11, 2013 | 4:56 am

    i’m computer technician also NC2 passer and i have my driver’s licensed.

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