Let’s start by defining what positive communication looks like, what it is exactly. Positive communication is about emphasising what is right, rather than what is negative or wrong. People often overemphasise what is wrong: why the business deal didn’t work; why it’s a bad time to be in business; why the latest marketing strategy didn’t succeed. Why, why, why everything is wrong.
This practice is potentially very harmful. While negative statements might seem like just being frank or realistic commentary about a situation, if they are overemphasised they become a problem in themselves. The insidious effect of unbridled negative communication can be depression, discouragement and feeling defeated. And if you bring this form of communication to the table in business you will fail to inspire.
Active Listening

Positive communication is the key to business success. -Photo by James Martin
It is extremely important to listen to your clients or associates, that is really listen, hear what they are saying, rather than impatiently waiting for them to shut up so you can have your say. Listen to their grievances and problems, their disappointments, fears and failures. Your job is to find ways that you can help improve their situation, solve their problem and address issues they are facing. If you learn the art of active listening and its natural counterpart, problem solving, you will be on your way to success in business.
Positive Non-Verbal Communication
We all know that a lot of communication occurs without us even speaking. Body language, the sighs we make, or the eye contact and empathetic nods we give; the way we are dressed; and the attention we have paid to creating a nice meeting space, all speak volumes to our clients. You can work on all the positive speeches in the world, but if you don’t create a positive impression in non-verbal ways, you are sending out a mixed message. Dress for success; show your client they are worth dressing up for. Don’t be afraid of being over-dressed. If you don’t have a nice meeting room in your office facilities then seek out the services of someone like Premium Serviced Office Space, who have well-appointed meeting rooms and board rooms for the use of their clients. If this sounds like overkill, think again. Having a good address and a highly professional meeting room speaks volumes – and it’s all positive!
Constantly Talking Isn’t Communicating
Positive communications are planned communications. They are the opposite of incessant rambling. Positive communications begin well before your business meeting. Positive communications have their starting place in the planning and organisation. Sit down and think through what it is you want to communicate, what is the hear t of your message, what is your point. Write a summary and memorise it. When you get to your meeting stick to the point! If you are trailing off into unplanned waters, come back to the point. Divide your presentation into 3 points. It is generally believe that most people can only really absorb 3 main points at a time. Don’t overburden your listener. Be considerate to their attention span and limit the points you make.