11-14-13 | Service Crew, Cashier | New Leaf Bakeshop | Cagayan de Oro

New Leaf Bakeshop


•Female, 18-25 years old
•At least high school graduate or college level
•With good customer service skills
•With pleasing personality
•Hardworking and willing to work beyond 8 hours if needed


•Female, 18-25 years old
•At least high school graduate or college level
•Has good interpersonal/social skills
•With experience on cashiering, and has knowledge on basic mathematics
•Hardworking and willing to work beyond 8 hours

Interested applicants must submit the following:

•Bio-data with recent 2×2 id picture
•Barangay Clearance and or Police Clearance •Certificate of employment, if previously employed •Marriage certificate if married

JCA Realty Corp. – Human Resource Dept.
#80 Argayoso Bldg., Yacapin – Rizal Street Cagayan de Oro City Tel. No : (088) 729-599 / 0917-7919019

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