07-31-12 | HR Staff/Supervisor | JL Diamond | Cagayan de Oro

Company: JL Diamond

Position: HR Staff/Supervisor


  • Human Resource Management Graduate
  • Female, 25 years old above
  • Knowledge in different facets of Human Resources is required (Recruitment, Compensation & Benefits Administration, Employee Relations)
  • Has at least 3 years work- related experience

How to Apply:

Please submit: Comprehensive Resume’ with 2×2 photo, application letter to the address below:

One Response to 07-31-12 | HR Staff/Supervisor | JL Diamond | Cagayan de Oro
  1. cherry
    August 3, 2012 | 1:16 am

    is there any email add can we send our resume, error kasi ang lumalabas. Thanks


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